
Dear readers,

First of all, thank you for showing interest in my blog: economicious. I'm planning to write about economics and finance, and life as an 'economist' - everything I come across which catches my attention. So hopefully these future posts capture your attention as well.
Feel free to comment on what I write.

Kind regards,

Renate van Ginderen

Sunday, 15 August 2010

FAQs part II

In my last blog I posed some questions for which we still don’t have a (more) definitive answer, except perhaps for the first question. With the Fed taking steps to quantitative easing 2.0 (albeit baby steps, since for now it has announced only to maintain the size of its balance sheet, and not let is shrink – indicated by the FOMC’s public statement last Tuesday), the markets are certainly not responding enthusiastic. More accurately: the past week has been a very hectic week for the financial markets. Worries about the recovery in the U.S. spread to more concerns about mainly the periphery of Europe. German export-led growth for now pulls the Eurozone ahead, but how long will that last? Quarterly growth was well above expected, but if countries importing German goods see their economies weaken, German growth will be unable to sustain itself. The ECB has indicated it will slowly move to exit strategies. Although problems in the periphery are still very concerning and dependence of banks in Portugal, Spain and Greece on ECB financing is increasing steadily.

The Fed, on the other hand, is much more willing to support the economy with an even looser monetary policy. Analysts and commentators alike are very pessimistic about the effectiveness of further quantitative easing. If it has not worked in the past, why would it work next time? Is there so much more the Fed can do? Well, actually, yes. But that is just in theory. Central banks worldwide are constrained by the whims of the market. Should a sudden worry for hyperinflation pop up, better beware! If central bankers do not respond quickly taking the money out of the system within a week or so, double-digit inflation may be the result.

But for now, the Fed is walking a very thin line between high inflation and deflation. Core inflation in the U.S. (excluding food and energy prices) is already in negative territory and should economic activity not pick up, negative annual core inflation is not unlikely. Of course, for a large part this is driven by the still declining housing prices. Nevertheless, deflation is a dangerous phenomenon and Ben Bernanke will do everything in its power to prevent it, but he has not indicated directly what he will do should the economy get even worse. If such measures are taken (the measures the Fed could possibly take are in an earlier blog of mine), however, the market will interpret this as a sign that the economy is doing really, really, really, really terrible. No need to explain here what that means. But on the other hand, when signs of the economy weaken, and the Fed does not respond, the markets will also react negatively.

My overall conclusion therefore is: whatever monetary policy does, it will not improve the matter much (the matter being the U.S. economy), and it is fiscal policy that should get things going again. But please not in the way fiscal policy has been used in previous U.S. fiscal stimulus packages. Let’s look at China; they really set a good example.

More on that later.

Thursday, 5 August 2010

FAQs part 1

Dear blog,

(I never had a diary, so I never could write "dear diary", but "dear blog" makes up for this loss.)

With annoying music on (why do I even have 'Air' in my iTunes library?), the clock indicating its 6.37, and the 'C' on my keyboard hardly working, why not write a little blog before I go off to Utrecht?

I have to say, I missed writing for my blog. But the past two weeks were so hectic. however, it means there's room for improvement!

What's been on my mind the past week?
- Fiscal or monetary stimulus? With the Fed hinting at further quantitative easing and trying everything in their power to get the money into the economy, the markets are not reacting too enthusiastic. Will an ever looser monetary policy get the U.S. economy going? I think not. What would help is to get the money velocity up, and this is not something the Fed could do. Giving consumers extra cash they don't want does not make them spend it right?
- Ok this sounds too simplistic, I admit. But it does come down to get the consumer spending in order for the U.S. economy to get in an upward spiral again.
- So: will tax cuts for the rich U.S. citizens have to be extended? Will it do any good (i.e. get spending up)? Maybe, maybe not. Why it could get spending up (or at least not get it down once the cuts expire): the rich are the most productive. If you get them to work, this will be very beneficial for productiveness. Lowering their marginal taxes gives them more incentive to work. Why it cannot get spending up: the rich will spend as much as they like anyhow. Even if they do not have the money to spend, they will borrow, because they believe they will have the money in the future (according to the 'lifetime spending hypothesis'). The poor, on the other hand, are credit constraint as they have no access to loans and they have also no high incomes. So: giving them more money could do a better job stimulating spending. That is, given that the poor do not foresee an even worse future and therefore safe their newly acquired credit to save. Which hypothesis is the most likely? My guess is the latter, but circumstances matter. And this is where Obama comes in...

Then the most important question: will we have a double dip?

So many are writing on this topic. I'll be joining the debate soon!

Now brush my teeth and off to Utrecht for another day as an intern.
